Our Mission: "To assist our clients in developing the best possible Safety System to meet their needs".


Awareness Reminders - Mom/Dad Advice Cards

Participants of a good human factors workshop leave the training with a high level of awareness. Unfortunately, unless provided reminders, this level of awareness slowly goes down. One of the means of keeping this level of awareness up is to provide a decal that reminds the person of the Human Factors training they've received. The following have been found to help maintain awareness.

20 copies of the "Advice" laminated card are $15.00 Canadian funds .

100 copies of the "Advice" laminated card are $70.00 Canadian funds.

200 copies of the "Advice" laminated card are $130.00 Canadian funds.

500 copies of the "Advice" laminated card are $300.00 Canadian funds.

Above 500 of the "Advice" laminated card are 60 Cdn. cents each.

Plus $4.00 Canadian shipping and handling.

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