Our Mission: "To assist our clients in developing the best possible Safety System to meet their needs".



Human Performance in Maintenance Part 1

This two day workshop, designed by maintenance personnel for maintenance personnel, is highly interactive and helps answer why a conscientious person can end up causing an accident due to a maintenance error.

Participants will learn what they can do to avoid the maintenance error that no one ever intends to cause. It is a highly interactive workshop that covers:

1) The objective and outline - Why should you be here.

2) What Determines a Person’s Characteristics?

3) Behavioral Analysis

4) Characteristics of an Aircraft Maintainer

5) Human Factor Errors (The Dirty Dozen)

6) The Big Four Dirty Dozen - Stress, Fatigue, Communication and Teamwork (Note: Teamwork is covered with a survival exercise)

7) Case Studies. There are four case studies mixed throughout the workshop. In these case studies they learn how to identify the chain of events and develop "Safety Nets" to avoid making the errors.

Some comments from past courses.

Everyone in the industry should have an opportunity to attend.

It was easy to understand and the most interesting I have ever done.

Great course. You sure can deliver the message.

It will be a valuable tool for work and my personal life. Thanks..

This course has been adapted from the 1993 Transport Canada/Industry developed workshop and completion of it qualifies as recurrent training in Canada and the USA.

All our Human Performance in Maintenance (HPIM) workshops are centered around the (Dirty Dozen).  

They are presented here for you to view. The Dirty Dozen posters were designed to be a follow up to Human Performance in Maintenance Part 1 training in order to help maintain the awareness the training creates. 

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge each image

Lack of Communication


Lack of Knowledge


Lack of Teamwork


Lack of Resources


Lack of Assertiveness


Lack of Awareness




Human Performance in Maintenance Part 2

This two day workshop was designed to be a follow up to the Part 1(about a year later) and reinforces lessons learned in Part 1 as well as covering new material. The new material covered is Attitudes, Communication - the written word, Company culture, and Norms.

Many participants have indicated that it is better than Part 1 but the participant’s attitude on beginning this second workshop, likely accounts for the positive acceptance.

Some comments from participants

This is one of the most valuable workshops ever been presented to maintenance people.

Once again it was serious and entertaining at the same time: for me it was valuable.

Can’t wait for next one

This workshop is designed so it can be cut down to one day with less review of Part 1. This is not recommended but can be done.

The Magnificent 7 series of posters were designed to be the follow up to this workshop and all 8 posters promote the maintenance person as a professional.  The 8th in the series of 7 is a list of 10 reasons why the maintenance person is a professional. 

These posters are designed to be a follow up to the Human Performance in Maintenance Part II workshop. They promote the maintenance technician as a professional.

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge each picture






Human Performance in Maintenance Part 3

Part 3 is designed to be a follow up from Part 2 and can include pilots and management staff as well.

The workshop is designed to be one day and covers the following topics:

1) What is a Safety Culture

2) Risk Management

3) Conflict Resolution in a team environment

4) Team Exercise

5) Case Study

The greater the mix of participants the better.

All three workshops are designed to be entertaining as well as educational. All material is designed to be useful to the participant in his/her work.

They are simple and do not require memorizing lists or acronyms.

All have or will have follow up posters to help maintain the level of awareness the workshop provides.

All of our workshops come with the guarantee that if any participant can honestly say at the end of the workshop, that it was a waste of his time, we will refund that person his money minus only expenses.  To date with over 8000 persons trained, we have yet to meet that person. 

If we can be of assistance to you or you would like to know more, please feel free to contact us at the Email below or at the phone, fax or address on the front page.

email: dupontg@system-safety.com

Webmaster: Renée Dupont